Tutoring & Academic Services
Assisting students in developing the confidence, independence, and active learning skills necessary to meet both the university's academic rigor and students' individual educational goals.
Advising & Mentoring
Delivering world-class and empirically-based academic mentoring services that enable the university to fulfill its mission of student excellence, retention, and timely graduation.
TRIO Student Support Services
Working with students to enhance their academic performance, increase retention and graduation rates, and help prepare them for careers after graduation.
TRIO McNair Scholars Program
Providing research, mentoring, advising, and graduate school preparation opportunities for eligible sophomores, juniors and seniors to promote their academic excellence and pursuit of a PhD.
TRIO Upward Bound
Committed to providing our students with high quality academic, cultural, and career related activities designed to prepare them to successfully complete high school and obtain a baccalaureate degree.
TRIO Talent Search
Helping participants graduate from high school and enroll in colleges across the country after graduating from high school.